
Welcome to my Github!

The Github of John B. Marine

Houston born, Houston raised, world loved. Perfectly imperfect.


Hello and welcome! Happy (day of the week)!

Hello, everyone! My name is John Marine, and I would like to welcome you to my page! This is a static site that will be updated regularly with content. Most of what you will see here is all original content. Since I don't get much feedback for my work, I haven't allowed comments to be posted.

* FEATURES: View exclusive creative features on this site.
* SERIES: View exclusive creative series featured on this site.
* MY BLOGS/SITES: Visit my blogs and my other profiles.
* SOCIALS: Got social media? Let's connect!
* CONTACT: Contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
* DONATE: While donating is voluntary (not required), I would appreciate your financial support if you enjoy my work.

Here is a brief overview of me and what I provide to the online realm...

My Creative Profile at a Glance

I am a Blogger!

I am a Content Creator!

My Philosophies

Do You Have Questions/Comments?

If you would like to contact me about my work, please E-Mail Me (serious inquiries only) or contact me on contact me on Discord.

NOTE: Just like life, this Github Page is under constant construction! If any material is marked as "Currently Unavailable," it is being worked on and not yet published to my Github Page. Once content is made available for the given feature, the "Content Unavailable" for that item will be removed. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Now with this out of the way, how can I help you? Click on my picture to return to this main page. Keep in mind pages are being worked on constantly, so any new material may not be made live until some time later. Sometimes MUCH later.

Exclusive Content

These are the different features I will exclusively feature on this site. Take a look around and enjoy my work!

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Original Series

These are static sites featuring some original content only available on this page. This section will be updated with new content when it becomes available.

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Showcase Series

What you will find in this section are items based on my own collection of media I've created. These are curated collections that offer much more than what I feature on my feature on my Weebly page. So take a look around to see the full range of media I've developed over time.

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My Blogging Work

Besides my own unique content, I am also a blogger. Because stars and space inspire me, each blog has a theme of space to it. So let me introduce you to my blogging work. If you are on social media, the included hashtags are to the right of each blog title so you can discuss it on social media or find all of my published work. Click on each heading to visit that specific blog.

You may also click on the Mobile Version for better viewing on a mobile device; alternatively, click on the mobile version link if you prefer viewing the mobile version or for better viewing on a mobile device.

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My Creative Outlets

If you are wanting to see all of the different creative works I've put together online, you may utilize this section. You may help support my work by looking around and checking out anything that interests you.

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Get Social With Me!

The best way you can keep up with my latest material is through social media. If you dabble on social media and want to connect with me, let's do so! Here are some ways how...

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Pages for this Github Site were worked on long time ago, but never made public until May 7, 2024. Or at least, I never figured out how to release a Github Page until May 7, 2024. Anyhow, it is live, it is loud, it is proud, and most of all- it is here. Enjoy this Github Page the fullest! :D

Want your own Github or learn more about it? Visit github.com to learn more about Github and to begin your Github adventures!

Thank you for visiting! Take care and be well.

HTML pages developed with BlueGriffon. CSS powered by w3.css. Brush for the starry effects to the background of my "JM" logo are from Obsidian Dawn.

2024, John B. Marine. All rights reserved.